A goldmine of endless value hidden in words.
Speed Up Your Email Responses With Templates
Are you constantly writing the same (or similar) emails? Writing similar emails is something that happens to all of us. Some of the common reasons are: – Replying to enquiries
Reflection Template
The art of reflection is one of the most powerful tools that you can have. First read all about what reflection is, the power of it, and how to do
The Power Of Reflection
When I talk to people about my daily reflection routine, I get blank stares, I get looks of disbelief, and I get asked a lot of questions. Why do you
Systems Prompt
Have you ever had a whole system in your head but you’ve struggled to get it down on paper? Or maybe you have an idea for a new process (such
From chaos to order. The simplest way to find what you are looking for.
Spoiler alert. File It. Before technology, our days were filled with piles of paper and filing cabinets. The advantage to this, was that we had to stop and think about
What If Plan
How does your business continue? Have you built a system for the possibility of you not being there or your business continuing without you? This could be a short term

How to SUPERCHARGE your business performance
We all know that systemising has many benefits. But have you stopped to think about how it really affects your business performance? The holy grail of systemising a business is
Reinventing the wheel
When our minds are running crazy with everything that we need to do, it can often be hard to see a better way to manage it all. We reinvent the
How To Increase The Value Of Your Business – Even If You Are Not Selling Just Yet
For some of us, our end game is to simply shut up shop when we have had enough, for others, we want to pass it on to a future generation,

Why you need a to do list AND an action list!
Generally speaking, to-do lists are great. They are about the easiest way to get organised and everyone loves the feeling of crossing (or ticking) off an item! They are a
What will systemising do for my business?
There is a lot of buzz happening in the business world about systems and systemising. For the most part, people have systems in their business without recognising that they are
Employee inductions – your chance to make or break their experience
Your employee induction process is often what makes or breaks an employee’s experience at a company. A great induction or onboarding experience helps your new employee to settle in, and
Why I only procrastinate in bed (and how I get through the rest of the day)
In my natural state, I am a master procrastinator. I have a mental notebook of things I want/need to do, ideas that I have, questions I need answers to, things
ProjectBox Glossary
You may have read or heard common buzzwords like systemise, accessibility and even the word buzzwords (!!) but been wondering what an earth they actually mean or are too embarrassed
How systems have rolled over into my personal life
Normally I am 100% (let’s make that 80%) composed, organised, and in control. After two weeks of prepping to move house, then actually moving and almost a week of no
Systemise and Grow
When was the last time you stepped away both physically and mentally from your business? I mean really stepped away. No phone calls, no emails (would you even be comfortable
What’s In A Move?
The past fortnight has seen me prepare to move both my office and my home from one rental property to another. This has bought about some ‘I wish I had…’
ready to look at your own systems?

At Projectbox, we grow businesses by creating experiences people love and then helping them retain their knowledge!