We all know that systemising has many benefits. But have you stopped to think about how it really affects your business performance?
The holy grail of systemising a business is known as a way to ‘get everything out of your head’ and into a set of repeatable instructions that makes recruiting and onboarding new team members, sales, marketing, receiving money, delivering happy customers, and everything else within your business much more achievable and easy.
What we have never spoken about before is exactly how systemising can really supercharge your performance.
Even though delegating work that you used to do can feel like you are losing control, systemising ensures that you do not become the bottleneck in your own business. Systems and processes make sure your business will keep going even if the unexpected happens. Systemising also allows you to keep a handle on your risks. The majority of small businesses are aware of the risks to their business but have failed to transfer these to clear and defined processes which is important when it comes to risk management.
Systemising can heavily reduce your stress. There is no more reinventing the wheel, constant fires are a thing of the past and any employees that you have, are empowered to complete their jobs. This means that everyone has access to what they need to get the job done so there is less time spent coming to you for direction, and more time for you to focus on what you need to keep your business moving forward.
Having systems provides your employees with all of the tools that they need to get the job done. By not reinventing the wheel every time and by having known steps to get the required outcome in the quickest way, your business can run better and more efficiently saving you both time and money.
Processes could be in depth like how to create a new customer quote in the project management tool or simply who to talk to at the printers when chasing up marketing material.
Effectiveness refers to whether your systems are successful in producing the required outcome or does the process lead you off in different directions?
It sounds simple, but by having clear, documented systems in place, everyone who works within the business is able to work more effectively with predictable results. Systems will also allow you to have measurable results.
For example – say it takes 10 calls to book one appointment. For every 5 appointments, 1 requests a quote. For every 5 quotes, 1 accepts the quote. If your average quote is valued at $1,000 and your sales target for the year is $100,000 you can suddenly reverse engineer how many calls your salesperson will need to make to result in accepted proposals. In this instance, your salesperson would need to make approximately 25,000 calls!
It also allows you to work out how small changes in your conversion rate, or average quote value can really affect your whole sales outcome.
Being able to communicate with your team your goals and vision for the business allows them to feel a part of what you are building. These goals can then be related to the role that each person plays within the business and they can instantly see how what they are doing is contributing towards the overall vision of the company. It excites them (my last favourite ‘E’ word – exciting) as they can see how they can achieve things – pretty simple really!
We usually want everything from people. For example all of their resources all of the time including their intellect, their energy, their time. Why would anyone give you that if they don’t feel like they are a valued part of your team? Include them in everything.
Systems and processes significantly increase the value of any business because it can more easily be transferred to a new owner or duplicated.
If your business cannot run without you, then the value of your business is closely tied up to you. If you can walk away and it will continue without you, all of a sudden you have a worthy investment for a buyer.
Supercharging your business is easy when you have the right systems and processes in place. They allow you to create empowered employees, scale your operations, and create consistent and predictable results. Continuously.
If you need some help to get systems into your business, then get in touch by calling us on 0420 679 812.