Spoiler alert.
File It.
Before technology, our days were filled with piles of paper and filing cabinets. The advantage to this, was that we had to stop and think about where we were putting the file. Now that we have turned to a digital era, it is all too easy to have files scattered everywhere – on your desktop, in the downloads or my documents folders, on your work computer, the home computer, the laptop, and the hard drive.
And because it’s a digital mess and not a physical one, you don’t see it! So quite often you do not realise you have a problem until you go to find a file and suffer the frustration of not having a clue where you last saw it and the embarrassment of keeping a client hanging while searching for their information.
It would be like going to the supermarket, and finding everything scattered across the floor. Apples mixed with fish, weetbix with the dish tablets. Imagine how frustrating and how long it would take you to find what you were looking for!
Instead of wasting hours of time looking for your needle in a haystack, put a system into place and be able to find what you want, when you want, and in less than 30 seconds. Not only does it reduce your frustration, it actually boosts your productivity and efficiency.
Now if you are reading this going…
That’s me, I can’t see my desktop, and I can never find ANYTHING!
…then it can seem like an incredibly overwhelming task to try and fix the situation. Yes, it’s going to take some time to sort through it all and no there is no magical solution. Every business is different as to their file structure requirements and depending on how long you have been in business for (and how bad your habits have got!) will depend on the amount of time and resources you will need to dedicate to getting the job done.
The good news is that once it is done, your stress levels will thank you, your clients and staff will thank you, and most importantly, you will have more time to spend working on income-generating activities for your business.
To help, we have put together a two page PDF that will help you get your basic file structure setup plus give you tips and tricks on the best ways to name your files, what to do with duplicates, and the best time-saving trick, pop your details below and we will email you a copy!
If you are struggling to find the time, then get in touch. We can take care of your files while you take care of business. All you have to do then is start to file now, not later!
To get started with organising your files, click the button below!
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