I am so incredibly proud to announce that I won the Gold Leadership AusMumprenuer award last Wednesday night at their QLD awards ceremony.
It was such a special moment for me and being able to show our customers and our supporters that we are being rewarded for the work that we do with small businesses not only here in Australia but around the world, is definitely tugging at my heart strings.
A huge thank you to Peace Mitchell and Katy Garner for creating a space for women in business via Ausmumprenuer to celebrate their achievements. A huge thank you also to all of the award sponsors including:
- Candice Meisels from Candice Meisels PR
- Rachel Allan from Your Strategic Marketing Partner
- Robyn Baker from Busy Connecting
- Irene Becker from 99Aupairs
- Leonie Dawson from Leonie Dawson
- Renee Garcia from CRG Creative Networking
- Sandra Greenberger from Leskes Jewellers
- Sally Hams from Balance Books
- Carla Dillon from Little Button Essentials
- Lisa Hicks from Tweed Real Food
Finally, I could not have done this without the support of my Mum and Dad. They encouraged my dreams and have been cheering me on from behind the scenes from the day this girl had a crazy dream.
Full Media Release
Gold Coast mum wins gold at 2020 AusMumpreneur Awards
Pip Meecham from Pacific Pines who founded ProjectBox has been named Gold Leadership Award winner.
The awards were held online via Zoom where thousands of talented mums in business from all over the country tuned in to the livestream to support and encourage other Australian mumpreneurs.
Pip Meecham said she was excited to win in her category in the 2020 AusMumpreneur Awards in such a challenging time.
Pip says: “I was completely overwhelmed with emotion when I was announced the winner of the Leadership award. Business has been tough for a lot of people this year, and it’s incredibly important to me to be able to show my customers that we are being recognised for the work that we are doing in helping Small Businesses.”
“The AusMumprenuer awards are full of absolutely incredible women from around Australia who are all doing amazing things within their own businesses. Being surrounded by such inspiring female leaders and fellow mums who are all on the same entrepreneur roller coaster, it really helps to encourage you to keep pushing through and achieving your own goals”.
The AusMumpreneur Awards are presented by The Women’s Business School and were created to inspire, celebrate and provide a community for Australian entrepreneurs, like Pip Meecham. Now more than ever Australian women need inspirational role models and a safe and supportive space to connect online, Peace Mitchell, cofounder of The Women’s Business School said.
“These awards are all about recognising the growing number of mums who are achieving outstanding business success while balancing motherhood, states Mitchell.
“I was blown away by the courage, resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of the award winners and I know that they will provide great inspiration for other women considering starting their own business.”
This is the eleventh year the AusMumpreneur Awards have run, with the business mum community growing at lightning speed as mothers look for opportunities to join the ranks of small business owners in search of more flexibility, financial freedom and family time.
The Women’s Business School co-founder Katy Garner adds: “The awards show the passion of women who want to fulfil their entrepreneurial dreams as well as be great mums. The number of women starting businesses has continued to grow in 2020! Of the 670,000 women operating a small business in Australia currently, around 50 per cent are mums with children at home. We are proud to be the number one community for mumpreneurs and showcasing the best and the brightest each year through these awards.”
“We are delighted that Pip Meecham has won this award, she has created an outstanding business and is an inspirational role model and ambassador for mums in business everywhere. We wish her and all our amazing AusMumpreneur Award winners every success.”
The complete list of winners can be found at: https://ausmumpreneur.com/2020-ausmumpreneur-awards-winners/
For more information on the AusMumpreneur Awards visit: www.ausmumpreneur.com
And the Women’s Business School: www.thewomensbusinessschool.com