Something I am really passionate about is being tech agnostic.
About being able to find the right solution for the right business.
About not promoting specific software because we benefit as a company.
So, we have always refused to accept commission or any other form of kickbacks from various software providers.
Yes, I am always asked what we use here at ProjectBox. Yes, I am approved to deliver specific services as a consultant for some providers.
However, those platforms are not suitable for everyone and I strongly disagree with making recommendations so that we benefit. It’s one of those things that has NEVER sat well with me and I continue to feel that way.
BUT something else I am passionate about is supporting the community.
And with the number of people coming to me who have already made up their mind on the tool of their choice or who are wanting to look into various products more, there is a way for our community to benefit.
So tonight is the official launch of our Tech and Community program.
With a lot of the platforms that we use and deliver services under, they offer the option for an affiliate program.
What this means is that when you share a unique link provided to you by a software company, if someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, the provider pays the affiliate (ProjectBox in this case) a % of the sale.
But instead of ProjectBox retaining any of those incentives, I’m SUPER EXCITED to be partnering up with a local charity to DONATE 100% of any incentives that we receive.
What does this mean?
Every time someone clicks on a link on the Tech and Community page or via links that we may share (we will always advise if it is an affiliate link) and they make a purchase from the provider within a specific time period (normally within 30 to 90 days), an affiliate credit is linked to our account.
Depending on the providers, this is normally paid out to the affiliate at certain time or financial intervals.
As soon as we receive payment, we will then be forwarding it directly to our chosen charity.
Our specific charity will be announced in the coming days but I can tell you it is one that is incredibly close to my heart (I’ll share the story when we announce who we will be giving the money to).
So we have poured through the platforms that we use and hunted out all of the affiliate links.
These are platforms that we have used, are using, or have actively helped clients in and are happy to promote their services. This does not mean that they are the right solution for you and you still need to make sure that you do your due diligence on finding the right solution (we are here to help if needed).
Clicking on the link does also not mean that you have committed to a purchase. In fact, you can browse their websites like normal. If you happen to choose to purchase and our link was the way you ended up on their site, the affiliate system will kick in.
There are currently six links on the Tech and Community page on our website with a seventh one coming in the next few days. I hope to keep finding more providers to jump on board with this and will keep adding them as we are able to.
Any monies donated (no matter how big or small) will be directly invested by the charity back into their programs to help our children and young people.