As a business owner, you are often pulled in various directions and stretched thin from all the tasks that you are doing.
Here are 5 hacks to help streamline and maybe automate some of your processes.
Do a task audit – look at everything you are doing and ask yourself if it’s something you should continue to do, can you outsource it, can you delegate it, or should you stop doing it altogether? (If this is something you are interested in doing, let me know and I’m happy to share the template with you).
Use software like Zapier to help automate some of your tasks. Zapier allows software that wouldn’t normally work together to talk using If This, Then That processes.
Get your inbox under control. Set up and commit to an email system including checking, replying, and filing of your emails. Look into Unroll.Me for taking care of all your subscriptions, email signatures/canned responses for quick replies, and boomerang for being able to pause your inbox (seriously this is amazing for those of you who work from your inbox and get distracted from all the incoming emails).
Template it. Now while it might seem more of a task when you create the template, the next time you need to do that same task it suddenly becomes a hell of a lot quicker.
Use browser extensions. Extensions are like these super cool little things that work within your website browser. There are few that you need to get onto ASAP:
– Facebook Pixel – shows you what pixel is installed on a web page (and therefore tracking you)
– Grammarly – helps with spelling and grammar when composing text on the web
– One for taking screenshots (I use Nimbus but there are many you can pick from)
– Password vault
– Note taking (thank you ClickUp for this little add on!)
– ColourPick eyedropper